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Fleet management and road safety

Written by Avis Fleet | Aug 24, 2020 7:22:00 PM


Advances in technology mean advances in fleet management

Technology has brought changes to all areas of our lives and driving is no exception. Fleet management is made more effective by the technology that is placed in vehicles that enhances road safety.


By investing in the research and development of this technology, fleet management companies enable managers to reduce accidents and find the causes of accidents that have occurred.


Units placed in every car can report back to fleet management on driving time, distance travelled, speed, engine load, and so on.


How can this improve your fleet?

There are many advantages to using fleet management - costs for insurance premiums will be more effectively controlled, fuel bills will be reduced, and costs for repairs and maintenance bills can also be minimised.


Managers will spend less time on the paperwork involved in negative outcomes and use the information gained from vehicle data to be more informed about training staff and buying cars.


Better driving will also result in reduced running costs and drivers who are more healthy and alert. Driver behaviour is a key factor in road safety – in South Africa most accidents are caused by driver error or driver's breaking the law.


How statistics prove the benefits of fleet management

There are many case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of fleet management technology. A police department in Berlin fitted their 62 patrol cars with technology to record accident data.


Accidents that were caused by driver fault were reduced by  20% . There was a reduction of 36% of accidents in emergency trips. This amounted to a cost saving of 25% which led to the Berlin police authority equipping all 400 of their patrol cars with the same technology.


In another pilot study, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Transport installed technology that would record accident data into busses. The number of accidents that these vehicles were involved in decreased between 15% and 20%.


And, again, the research program Safety Assessment Monitoring on Vehicles with Automatic Recording (SAMOVAR), a European Union initiative, studied 341 vehicles fitted with equipment that could record data in the UK, the Netherlands and Belgium.


These nine fleets, and a control panel of vehicles undergoing similar tests, were studied over 12 months. Findings showed a 28.1% decrease in the accident rate in vehicles using the data recorder.


It’s clear that fleet management technology will increase the safety of your fleet. Avis Fleet Solutions have a range of tools that will revolutionise the efficiency of your fleet and improve road safety.


Contact to find out how to implement our solutions to better streamline your fleet.

