Over the Christmas season there is a lot more drinking and driving resulting in an increase in accidents at this time of year.
You might feel like there is little harm in having a few drinks at a social event and then getting into your car to drive home. This article covers the dangers of doing just that.
We would like all of you to remain safe over the holidays and, with road safety in mind, this behaviour puts the safety of other drivers and pedestrians at risk, not to mention your own.
Added to this, drivers who have too much alcohol in their systems will face the wrath of the law: being over the limit could mean facing six years in jail.
We put together an info-graphic to serve as a guideline for drinking safely over the holidays.
How much can put you over the legal limit? And how can drinking affect your driving:
According to the Automobile Association, the rule of thumb is that you can have a maximum of one unit of alcohol per hour. That’s two thirds of beer or spirit cooler with an alcohol content of 5%. For wine drinkers that’s 75ml of red or white with 12% to 14% alcohol content per hour. And whisky or brandy drinkers can drink only 1 tot of 25ml per hour.
Drinking and driving endangers lives, Avis Fleet provides two good alternatives to keep you safe over the Christmas season:
At Avis Fleet we always put you first, we have a range of solutions for all of your driving needs. Find out more about our accident management and other solutions, or get in contact with us if you have any other questions about our services.