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Covid-19 message from our Chief Executive

Written by Avis Fleet | Aug 24, 2020 7:22:00 PM


A message from Slade Thompson, Chief Executive of Avis Fleet

Dear valued customer,


As we are well aware, the Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a pandemic that has impacted lives and economies across the globe. With several cases having been confirmed within our borders, we wish to assure you of the preventative measures we have put in place to reduce the risk of the spread of the virus.


To date, these measures have resulted in minimal disruptions and we are confident that we will continue to provide you with impeccable service. The safety and well-being of all our customers and employees are of critical importance and, as such, we have placed the following standard operating procedures in place regarding the containment of contagious infections.


To slow down the spread of the virus, we encourage increased hygiene practices, more so with those who are client-facing. We have placed hand sanitiser at key points in all our sites to encourage employees, customers, suppliers and visitors to constantly clean their hands.


Work surfaces, telephone handsets, computer keyboards, laptops, tablets, cellphones and frequently handled equipment ought to be cleaned with a sanitiser every half-hour.


Surgical face masks and gloves have been provided to most of our sites for use by employees that are customer-facing. We strongly advise against direct personal contact such as handshakes and hugging as this could also transmit the infection.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Covid-19 cannot be transmitted through goods manufactured in China or any country reporting Covid-19 cases. Even though the virus can stay on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days (depending on the type of surface), it is very unlikely that it will persist on a surface after being moved, travelled and exposed to different conditions and temperatures.


We encourage customers and employees to disinfect surface areas that they suspect to be contaminated and to clean their hands afterwards with an alcohol-based hand rub or to wash them with soap and water.


Cars utilised by multiple drivers, e.g. chauffeur drive, point-to-point and vehicle shuttles, are being cleaned thoroughly upon return with special attention being paid to the places people touch such as steering wheels, door handles and other hard surfaces.


It is imperative to note that this virus can be managed and it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure a safe working and trading environment for all.


In your interest as our most valued customer, we assure you that we are taking all the necessary precautions and implore you to collaborate with us as we prevent the spread of the virus. We will continue to monitor the situation and provide guidance as efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19 unfold over the next few weeks.


Slade Thompson
Chief Executive: Avis Fleet Barloworld Automotive & Logistics

