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Are driverless vehicles the next big thing?

Written by Avis Fleet | Oct 12, 2021 8:56:35 AM

Like every other aspect of our lives, our vehicles are influenced by technological developments and new ways of thinking.


Some people predict that the Internet of Things and AI will transform our vehicles and our devices to make them more connected than ever.


Autonomous driving and driver-less vehicles

Autonomous driving and driver-less vehicles are generally the stuff of science fiction. Or are they going to become a part of our daily lives?


This news article points out that the main obstacle to the rollout of driver-less vehicles will be human nature. Not only are potential passengers likely to be reluctant about putting their lives in the hands of machines, but the unpredictable and chaotic behaviour of other drivers and pedestrians is likely to thwart the smartest technology.


However, with the rise in Tesla owners and the cars self-driving capabilities, using artificial intelligence and auto-pilot, this will be the technological foundation on which driver-less vehicles emerge.


There is some serious improvement and advancements needed before we start seeing driver-less vehicles on the road, but with the demand for goods increasing with the population, it's a matter of time at this point.


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